Breakthrough Growth for You as a Leader

WHAT: Free Workshop

WHEN: Starting Thursday, Oct. 21th at 2pm ET

Reserve My Seat

(Can't attend live? No worries.

You'll have lifetime access to the recorded version.)

Let's shoot things straight..

It's Not Easy to be a Leader.

In addition to having to get your own work done, you need to make sure your staff are motivated, your team is focused and then you still have to go deal with the icy tension between Jerry and Ellen because of their disagreement at the last brainstorming session.

And while learning leadership tools are an essential part of the journey, the real growth and transformation happens when you begin to master the inner game of leadership.

Because it's there where you begin to tap into the storehouse of potential you have as a leader to impact and produce results.

For Leaders to Succeed ...You Have to Master the Art of the Inner Game.

This is why I'm going to be offering a live training to help you identify the next areas of growth for you as a leader and then show how to experience Breakthrough Growth.

There's no cost for the training and you can register at the link below.

A Free Training Event


  • How to get maximum clarity around your future direction as a leader.
  • How to set goals that will inspire you to grow.
  • Understand the knowing/doing gap and how to conquer it once and for all.
  • See the #1 thing that will predict your results and why it's the key to change.
  • Understand the subtle ways you are stopping your own success and how to turn it around
  • How your beliefs are impacting how you lead, and what to do about it.
Reserve My Seat

Your Instructor

James Robbins

Founder & CEO,

The James Robbins Company

James Robbins is an expert on leadership and personal growth and specializes in helping leaders and business owners reach new levels of performance.

He is the author of the best-selling book Nine Minutes on Monday and was recently named one of the top 100 Leadership Speakers by INC. Magazine. 

James helps leaders of all shapes and sizes experience breakthrough growth by getting them to remove the inner obstacles that are getting in their way so they can fully step into their power and potential as a leader.

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