Welcome to Leadership

An Online Course to Help You Navigate the Most Difficult Transition in Leadership - From Bud to Boss!

The transition from a front-line employee to being in management is the most difficult shift in business.

From Bud to Boss will help you avoid the most common mistakes AND become the leader even your friends want to follow.

More Info

Just Got Promoted to Lead your Friends?

Are you ready to take the leap from being a team member to leading your own team? Transitioning from a peer to a manager can be thrilling yet daunting. With our brand-new course, "From Bud to Boss," we're here to guide you through this critical career transformation.

"From Bud to Boss" is tailored specifically for new managers like you, focusing on the essential skills you need to succeed.

By the end of this training you'll be able to:

Rally Your Team Behind You

Transform into the leader your team trusts and follows, even in challenging times.

Inspire & Motivate Employees

Unlock the secret to boosting team morale and achieving high productivity through genuine inspiration.

Create a Compelling Vision

Shape a future that excites and aligns your team, guiding them toward shared success.

Build a Strong & Unified Team

Forge deep connections that turn individual contributors into a powerful, cohesive unit.

Understand Your Leadership Style

Discover your leadership style to effectively manage your team with authenticity.

Lead Your Team Through Change

Master the art of navigating transitions smoothly, keeping your team focused and resilient.

You’ll Also Learn in this Self-Paced Training:

  • How to AVOID the top 10 Mistakes new leaders make.
  • The 7 Transition Conversations you need to have to set your leadership up for success.
  • The Listening Tour. How this one simple activity will inspire trust and loyalty in your team.
  • The Six Accountability Conversations you need in your toolkit.
  • A simple recognition formula to help motivate and inspire greater performance.
  • How to understand your foundational leadership style and which tells you the most important skills you need to build.
  • How to built trust quickly within your first two weeks.
  • The 5 steps to managing successful change that you MUST have in order to lead your team.
  • The one crucial mindset you need to succeed as a leader and how to infuse it into your entire team.
  • The 4 Superpower Skills you need to be a great leader.
  • Create your Leadership Philosophy which well act as your North Star in how you lead.
  • The conversation you need to have with any of your friends that now you lead. (If you don't have this, you will compromise both your leadership and your friendship.)
  • How to create a compelling vision for your team and get everyone behind it.
  • And much more...

Our Training Trusted by Leaders From:

Imagine leading a team that’s motivated, efficient, and productive, not because you're just the boss, but because you're their inspiring leader. With "From Bud to Boss," you’ll be equipped to build trust and drive performance from day one.

Enroll today and start your journey from a budding manager to a respected boss. Your team is waiting for their new leader—are you ready to step up?

Who Is This For?

  • First-time Managers
  • Team Leads
  • Supervisors
  • Up-and-coming leaders

From Bud to Boss Online Course

Don't Miss This Exclusive training that Will Amplify Your Impact as a Leader. 

Special Launch Discount Ends Soon!

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From Bud to Boss Course



About James

James Robbins is an executive coach, and leadership expert who helps organizations create high-performing cultures.

As a leadership trainer James helps equip managers to show up daily and get the most out of those they lead.

He is the author of the best-selling book Nine Minutes on Monday and was recently named one of the top Leadership Speakers by INC. Magazine.