The Nine Minutes on Monday
Virtual Workshop
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The Nine Minutes on Monday
Virtual Workshop
Everything has changed
Your success as a manager hinges on your ability to engage and motivate your staff.
But many managers get sucked into the weeds and end up task-focused instead of people focused. This erodes the motivation and engagement of your team.
Nine Minutes on Monday gives you a roadmap to inspire your staff by tapping into the Engagement Drivers.
Nine Minutes on Monday is a simple framework that helps you tap into nine powerful drivers of engagement. These drivers are actually key needs that when met, lead to engaged employees.
In order to create a high-performance work environment you must tap into these nine needs. When you do its like flipping on a switch of motivation inside each of your staff.
In this program, you will learn how to practically tap into these needs with simple and practical techniques that don’t take a lot of time.
Director, Regional Sales
The Need to be More than a Number
You will learn the powerful connection between caring, trust and engagement. You will also learn a simple technique that will only take a few minutes a week which can dramatically change the way your staff feel about your leadership and your organization.
The Need to Grow
Employees engage more in their workplace when they feel they have a chance to grow and develop. In this lesson you will learn the a simple question that will clarify all future training for each employee. As well, you will learn a simple method for coaching your employees on the fly.
The Need to be Recognized
Employees invest a piece of themselves in the work they produce. Recognizing good work is not only crucial to motivation but it is an effective tool to shape behavior. Learn how to use the Recognition Codes in order to create quick but effective recognition statements that will fire up your staff.
The Need for Mastery and Achievement
Employees have a deep need to achieve and make progress. In this lesson you will learn the three crucial elements that must be in place in order to make someone’s job more motivating. You will also learn how to give quick and effective feedback on their progress in order to meet their need for mastery.
The Need for Purpose and Significance
When employees connect their work with something larger, it turbo charges their motivation. In this lesson you will learn how to link purpose to paycheck by exploring three critical questions. You will also learn the one key element that is best used to communicate purpose to pay and why you must tap into it.
The Need for Autonomy
Nobody likes a micromanaging boss. Here you will learn four simple ways to create more autonomy for your employees resulting in greater productivity, creativity and problem solving.
The Need to Connect
People want to work in a motivating environment but dysfunctional teams can destroy morale. Here you will learn how to protect your team from the six common solvents that erode the glue of great teams. You will also learn the key things that must be in place in order for your team to work well together.
The Need for Fun
If a funeral home and a fish market can have fun, then the rest of us can as well. Far more than just a good idea, fun at work actually leads to greater communication, productivity, and morale. This section will outline the simple steps you can take to add some fun to your team.
The Need for a Model to Follow
More than anything else your team needs you to lead the way. But what you model is also contingent on your current circumstances. This section teaches you what your people most need from you as well as how to tap into your own peak potential.
- Frontline Manager City of New Brunswick
Join the workshop from anywhere. This will be a highly-engaging virtual workshop that you can attend from your home or workplace.
- Col Tom Magness
Chief Operations Officer - Abiomed
- Melody Moore
UA Brands
ERSB, a manufacturing company was struggling on many fronts, including their sales goals. After their managers went through the Nine Minutes on Monday program, they had a drastic turnaround including a 30% increase in sales. They went from hitting 68% of their sales goals to 98%.
Abiomed is one of today's fastest growing companies that already had a strong culture of peak performance but they still couldn't get some of their engagement scores to move.
Hear what Col. Tom Magness, the Chief of Operations at Abiomed had to say about the measurable impact of Nine Minutes on Monday.
*Use Discount Code: EARLYBIRD25
Early Bird Pricing Expires in:
For groups of 15 and over their is a discounted flat rate of $3,997 To get the group rate please contact us at info (at)
For groups of 15 and over their is a discounted flat rate of $3,997 To get the group rate please contact us at info (at)
For groups of 15 and over their is a discounted flat rate of $3,997 To get the group rate please contact us at info (at)
- Carlton Silvey
Regional Manager, Abiomed
James Robbins is an executive coach, and leadership expert and has given over 2,500 speeches in the last 25 years.
As a leadership trainer James helps equip managers to show up daily and get the most out of those they lead.
He is the author of the best-selling book Nine Minutes on Monday and was recently named one of the top 100 Leadership Speakers by INC. Magazine.
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